And ready for a nap! This time change thing sure reeks havoc on you when you get older!
I have been dying wool and trying to stay awake until it is time to feed the kiddies down the street ....Here they are this morning
Snapped this on the way back up the street!
Okay time to jog down the street (I can use the exercise) to feed the dogs and play fetch with Bogie. Then back to the dye pots and paperwork YUCK I also have to work on a secret project hopefully that will be revealed soon!
OH.... Kelley if your reading this I know HOW MUCH YOU LOVE MONKEYS!!! Bed Bath and Beyond has this cute set on sale this week.
Blessings 2 U Friends
Cute dogs, and I hate the time change too, Haha.
Timothy at first I thought my eldest finally joined the 21st century when I got your comment, saw your photo & thought it was another friend with a different name messing with me as you look like him.
Read your post & I can understand completely as the first 2 months of this year SUCKED!
It has turned around for me!
I will pray you find a great job close to home with great hours & great pay!
Thanks for visiting!
Haha, well thanks, I'm a "backslid" Christian, but the other day I got the unbelievable urge to buy a bible again, so went and bought one, haven't read it as much as I want to, but it feels a little better not to be dealing with these things on my own.
I figure everything happens for a reason, even though it's hard to imagine sometimes.
The other day I backed into this old lady, and damaged her car, thankfully mine wasn't messed up, but the damage is costing me $1200, money I don't have, I'll have to get a loan to pay for it.
Running low on saved money is never a fun thing, and then when you start dipping into money you DON'T have, it's even worse.
Hopefully this will all work out.
All Christians are back sliders we just know we are forgiven when we ask and we try again! Don't look at the problems look to GOD!
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