Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mr. Peanut, Mr. Piggy, Mr. Gabe, MAC, RAYS, RED SOX, Found Money....random thoughts & ramblin's

Saturday afternoon I watched Gavin, we took a walk up the hill with Sahara so she could go play with Madison boy was it HOT!
I have heard rumors fall arrived but I have not seen it here!

Mr. Peanut after our walk
He is constantly moving so this is the only semi clear shot I got of him..

Has anyone seen this guy? ..He is getting old like the rest of us and while diving to catch a ball during a softball game he broke his shoulder just days before they left on a cruise. I think Jess threw him overboard because I haven't seen him since. If you have just remind him he's not a spring chicken.

I have seen so many posts/newsletters & blogs posting on ways to save money it is great that people are thinking and not just throwing their money away. What creative ways have you found to pinch a few pennies? Last night we tweaked our budget so that we could start paying off some of our debt and found our Grocery bill is higher than we would like it to be however with the prices of EVERYTHING having gone up it will require some serious coupon clipping & smart shopping to trim that down a little more.

The kids & I raided all the change banks while the Rays BEAT DOWN the RED SOX!!!! GO RAYS
Larry was at the Homeowners Meeting so he missed the fun and found an empty change jar upon his return.
Everyone has a piggy bank that they put their change in and we have change holders in each car, along with our Table Manners Piggy Bank on the china hutch. Each time the kids talk with food in their mouth they are fined and have to put a quarter in the PIG. We figured by the time they learned not to do that we could take the money & go out to eat in public with their good manners.
My empty change jar My empty piggy bank

After rolling up the change we found $42.00 just sitting in containers around the house. Yes that isn't a huge amount but we did this last year too. However that is $42.00 not earning interest so we are taking it off to the bank today and putting it in the Emergency Savings Account.

There are some weird things going on in the MAC world this morning, I have had two reports of the new iPhones randomly dialing people in the contacts...and my iPhoto program keeps crashing when I try to open it?
Maybe not just the Apple/Mac world our house phone just rang once & said Imcomplete Data...what is up?

Okay I am off to finish a little offering for the launch tomorrow & start Gail's Custom Ordered Table Runner!

Check your couch, car, purse & piggy bank today find some money you didn't know you had!

Blessings 2 U Friends!


Libby's Library said...

I have money jars, piggy banks, zip lock bags, etc. etc. Problem is - every time I mention taking them to the bank, my DH says "Don't do that - if it's in the bank, you'll just spend it".

danasmith said...

So you're the reason my Red Sox lost!!!!! lol
Dana in VA

PineyWoodsPrims~Dena said...

Love your blog Tammy!
We also have those piggy banks laying around the house. Boy there good to have. lol.
Have a wonderful blessed day!